It is often claimed that entry costs are relatively lower for firms engaging in online
markets (either for pure players or for brick-and-mortar firms) than for those prevailing
in traditional markets. Thus, one critical issue is to be visible in order to attract a higher
number of customers and increase its market share. Beside word-on-mouth mechanisms,
one way to achieve a greater visibility is to pay for being favourably indexed by search
engines such as Google or Yahoo !. This gives birth to a competition among sellers for
being referenced by these intermediaries. In this paper, we study the impacts of this type
of competition on index and price strategies. Based on a dataset collected from two portals
(namely Google and Yahoo !), we first present some empirical evidences about keywords
competition. From that, we analyse such competition within a simple model of horizontal
differentiation. Two firms sell homogeneous products and consumers have a differentiated
ex ante perception of these two firms. Beyond ’organic results’, the two firms can choose
a strategy based on sponsored links to get a higher visibility. We consider the outcomes
(search strategy, price and market share outcomes) arising in a Stackelberg game where
the firms make their index strategy first and then compete in price.
Key words : sponsored links, search engines, Internet, advertising competition. Lire l’article complet