Anatomical 3D-printed nasal casts are valuable models to investigate intranasal drug deposition, providing preclinical data that cannot be obtained in animal models. However, these models are (…)
La numérisation massive des systèmes éducatifs a ouvert le champ au début des années 2010 à une nouvelle discipline : les Learning Analytics. Cet ensemble de techniques, basé sur l’exploitation (…)
Aims FGFR ‐fused central nervous system (CNS) tumours are rare and are usually within the glioneuronal and neuronal tumours or the paediatric‐type diffuse low‐grade glioma spectrum. Among this (…)
Objectives The management of the facial nerve (FN) is a major issue in parotid cancer, especially when there is no preoperative facial palsy and FN invasion is discovered intraoperatively. The aim (…)
BACKGROUND : The neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is still unknown. Alteration in glutamate metabolism might translate into an imbalance of the excitation/inhibition equilibrium of (…)
The real impact of nanoparticles on male fertility is evaluated after a careful analysis of the available literature. The first part reviews animal models to understand the testicular (…)
Background : Whether bridging therapy (intravenous thrombolysis [IVT] followed by mechanical thrombectomy) is superior to IVT alone in minor stroke with large vessel occlusion is unknown. (…)
Summary : Background : The Transient Perivascular Inflammation of the Carotid artery (TIPIC) syndrome is presumably a very rare disease characterized by a local transient inflammation of the (…)
Recent evidence suggests an association between benzodiazepines (BZDs) use and lower brain amyloid load, a hallmark of AD pathophysiology. Other AD-related markers include hippocampal atrophy, but (…)
La recherche présentée dans cet article s’inscrit dans une évaluation menée par la DEPP (Direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance), intitulée ELAINE (Évaluation (…)
Brain changes associated with the personality trait of neuroticism have been partly elucidated. While subcortical brain volume changes, especially a larger amygdala, appear consistent in high (…)
Type I interferons are essential for host response to viral infections, while dysregulation of their response can result in autoinflammation or autoimmunity. Among IFNα (alpha) responses, 13 (…)
Introduction : Mucormycosis are infections caused by molds of the order Mucorales. These opportunistic infections are rare, difficult to diagnose, and have a poor prognosis. We aimed to describe (…)
Le syndrome d’épuisement professionnel ou burnout touche tout particulièrement les médecins avec très peu de données disponibles concernant la radiologie française. Données récentes L’objectif de (…)
Importance : The best reperfusion strategy in patients with acute minor stroke and large vessel occlusion (LVO) is unknown. Accurately predicting early neurological deterioration of presumed (…)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is currently diagnosed by the joint presence of social impairments and restrictive, repetitive patterns of behaviors. While the co-occurrence of these two categories (…)
In large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke, it is unclear whether severity of ischemia is involved in early post-thrombolysis recanalization over and above thrombus site and length. Here we assessed (…)
Conventional nanotoxicological assays are subjected to various interferences with nanoparticles and especially carbon nanotubes. A multiparametric flow cytometry (FCM) methodology was developed (…)
Conventional nanotoxicological assays are subjected to various interferences with nanoparticles and especially carbon nanotubes. A multiparametric flow cytometry (FCM) methodology was developed (…)
Background and Purpose- In acute stroke patients with large vessel occlusion, the goal of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is to achieve early recanalization (ER). Apart from occlusion site and (…)
Background and Purpose- Whether bridging therapy, that is, intravenous thrombolysis [IVT] followed by mechanical thrombectomy, is beneficial as compared with IVT alone in minor stroke (National (…)
Objective: : To present an adaptation of the anaglyph photography technique to be used with radiological images from computed tomography angiograms, enabling stereoscopic visualization of a (…)
Background and Purpose—Whether all acute stroke patients with large vessel occlusion need to undergo intravenous thrombolysis before mechanical thrombectomy (MT) is debated as (1) the incidence of (…)
Background : Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious public health problem with high lifetime prevalence (4.4-20%) in the general population. The monoamine hypothesis is the most widespread (…)
Aging is characterized by a cognitive decline of fluid abilities and is also associated with electrophysiological changes. The vascular hypothesis proposes that brain is sensitive to vascular (…)
Nous avons rencontré une classe d’élèves de lycée professionnel afin de connaître leurs usages des réseaux sociaux numériques (RSN) dans le cadre de leur expérience scolaire. À partir d’une (…)
A detailed, clinically-oriented method for the extraction of low-ppm Au nanoparticles from human seminal and follicular fluids enable their bulk and nanoscale characterization.
Increasing consumption of engineered nanoparticles and occupational exposure to novel, ultrafine airborne particles during the last decades has coincided with deterioration of sperm parameters and (…)
Le déploiement des ENT dans les établissements du secondaire en France vise notamment à étendre l’école hors de ses murs en associant plus étroitement les parents. Cette ouverture a-t-elle des (…)
Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) is consistently associated with late-life depression but poorly documented in midlife depression. It can be hypothesized that the relatively low sensitivity of (…)
Severe neurological deficit (SND) is a rare but major complication of pyogenic vertebral osteomyelitis (PVO). We aimed to determine the risk factors and the variables associated with clinical (…)
The precise sulcogyral localization of cortical lesions is mandatory to improve communication between practitioners and to predict and prevent post-operative deficits. This process, which assumes (…)
Numéro thématique coordonné par Philippe Cottier et Xavière Lanéelle, Centre de Recherche en Éducation de Nantes. Notre société contemporaine est marquée par la place qu’y occupent les (…)
Cerebral aspergillosis is associated with a significant morbidity and mortality rate. The imaging data present different patterns and no full consensus exists on typical imaging characteristics of (…)
Objective The microenvironment of breast epithelial tissue may contribute to the clinical expression of breast cancer. Breast epithelial tissue, whether healthy or tumoral, is directly in contact (…)