Nicolas Jullien a soutenu le 16 décembre son habilitation à diriger des recherches

Nicolas Jullien, maître de conférences à Télécom Bretagne et chercheur au laboratoire LUSSI, a soutenu le 16 décembre dernier à la faculté des sciences économiques de Rennes son habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR).

Titre :
Online Communities of Creation as Collective Action. Access, Use and Participation in a Digitalized Knowledge Economy.

This document presents the research I have undertaken over the last decade. It is both retrospective and prospective in the sense that, although it is obviously focused on my past activities, it also indicates ways for future research. The main topic of my overall research can be summarized as follows : I explore the development of online, open projects, or communities of creation, such as Free, Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS), from an economics point of view. This means that in addition to renewing the answers to Olson’s question about the individual participation to collective action (1965), it questions
also the why and how companies participate in this process, renewing Arrow’s dilemma (1962) on the incentives to produce innovation and the incentive to disseminate this innovation, and the way people organize themselves to transform participation into concrete pieces of knowledge, being software or encyclopedia articles.

Composition du jury :

Patrick Llerena (Professor, University of Strasbourg ) - rapporteur

Dominique Torre (Professor, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis) - rapporteur

Fabio Manenti (Associate Professor, University of Padua) - rapporteur

Edmond Baranes (Professor, University of Montpellier)

Brian Butler (Associate Professor, University of Maryland)

Godefroy Dang Nguyen (Professor, Télécom Bretagne)

Thierry Pénard (Professor, University of Rennes 1) - directeur d’HDR