Le Dr Anne Karhio (National University of Ireland, Galway) donnera une conférence intitulée "Digital literature, space and landscape outside the frame" le 10 novembre 2017de 16h à 18h à l’Université Rennes 2 (Campus de Villejean, Amphi E1, Bâtiment E),
Anne Karhio is a postdoctoral researcher and the holder of the ELEVATE Irish Research Council International Career Development Fellowship, co-funded by Marie Cure Actions.
The current research project "Virtual Landscapes ? New Media Technologies and the Poetics of Place" is carried out in the National University of Ireland, Galway, and the University of Bergen. The project focuses on the impact of new media technologies on literary representations of landscape in Irish poetic culture. The project covers poetry in both print and digital formats and also examines the relationship of poetry to visual and audiovisual arts, music and other forms of artistic production.
Informations pratiques
Campus de Villejean (Rennes)
Amphi E1, Bâtiment E
10 novembre 2017
Contact : anne.goarzin@univ-rennes2.fr
Voir en ligne : Page de la conférence